Friday, August 31, 2012

Ode To A Movie Theatre

Since the age of sixteen, I have worked in a movie theatre.  Every break home from college, every summer, almost every weekend I’ve been at home, has been spent there.   In that small theatre with three big screens, one little, and no windows, I have spent many an hour.  I have served popcorn, got drinks, splashed butter, and swept the floors, I have bled, I have burned myself, I have laughed more times that I could possibly imagine that I would.

It has been the best job to have, especially the best first job.  I have been unbelievably spoiled.  I have been surrounded by something I love, I have been surrounded by films, I get to talk about movies every single day, I get to talk about them to people who are equally as passionate and nerdy as myself.  Our work uniform can be any film related shirt we own, of which we all have many.  Star Wars, The Goonies, Jaws, Friday the 13th, Office Space, new films, old classics, we wear our shirts with pride. 

I have been spoiled because I work with my friends.  I sit in the back office with these people and debate about who’s stronger, The Hulk or Thor.  We sort ourselves into Hogwarts houses, and we assign the elements of Avatar to each house.  We watch trailers and grade films, we write blogs, and we make fun of customers we see on the video cameras.  We run away from customers we don’t like.  Like the guy with the mustache who talks too much, or 8 o’clock lady who never leaves.  We make fun of “BB” and thank god she finally gave us a good enough reason to kick her out forever.

I understand that I am the only one that will be able to appreciate this post.  But I just wanted to write about a place that has meant a lot to me these past six years.  That will still continue to mean a lot to me.  Plus, I might be back there in four months if this temp job doesn’t work out, so it doesn’t really feel like I’m leaving for good.  That and they might need me come October when the tourists go rampant and they think they own the place.  (They don’t).  So tonight, I will have my last shift (maybe), at least for the next month or so.  They couldn’t get rid of me if they tried. 

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