So, since I no longer have word on my computer I am forced to write things either at work in a word document which i cannot save and must then promptly delete, or I come home and am forced to write things in the "notes" section. Now, I want to buy word, but I have to start paying loans this month so that probably won't be happening anytime soon. I guess there is always Christmas.
Moving on. This is just going to be a list in honor of one oldest friends, who, in our high school years, loved and used lists constantly. I think she still uses them to this day, but I could not say for sure. Now what will this list entail? Um, I don't know. I was going to make a whole list about my deal breakers, friend and girlfriend wise, but decided to save that for another day. This one will probably just focus on random facts and anecdotes about myself. Because I am a selfish bastard.
- I read a lot. And I write down everything I read in my book journal. I write the name of the book, author, start date and end date. Start date and end date interest me the most because depending on how long it takes me to read it usually judges how much I like the book. Though this is not always the case. If a book has tiny print it will probably take me longer as I wear glasses and sometimes cannot see. I also read on the subway to and from work, so depending on whether or not I get a seat, or if it's too crowded, really hinders whether or not I get to read on my commute home.
- I hate wearing socks. I understand they are necessary when you're wearing shoes, sometimes. But if I'm at home the first thing I do is kick my shoes off, followed quickly by my socks. And since I hate socks, I also never wear them to bed. No fucking way. This also extends to if someone is sleeping with me, socks are not allowed. I don't want to move my foot in the middle of the night and then brush up against a sock. It sets my teeth on edge. Can't say why, and don't judge me for it.
- Sweatshirts are my favorite things pretty much ever. Can't get enough of them. Because they are my favorite ever, it is rare that I let other people borrow them. A) because I sometimes never get them back (case in point I once loaned one to my friend Sharna who didn't return it until literally five years later at which point it just didn't fucking matter anymore) B) I just don't like sharing them. Each one is important for a different reason, and if you asked me about all like, eleven of twelve of them, I can tell you where they come from and why I still keep it. For instance, I had my first kiss wearing my Mickey Mouse sweatshirt and my first college sweatshirt I ever purchased says Washington College '82 on it. It is also the one I usually smoke in, when I used to that is.
- I really likes watches. There isn't really anything more I can say about that.
- If I find a song that I love I will play it over and over again. Once I listen to "Here In Your Arms" literally 100 times in a row without even noticing it. I also tend to make playlist labeled "sad songs" or "if you're feeling depressed." I literally have no playlist labeled something to do with "Party Time" or "Dance Songs!" That's just not my jam. Not at all. That's not to say I don't have those types of songs, because I do. I listen to a lot of different kinds of music. This is not limited to JayZ, Snow Patrol, some super embarrassing bands circa my preteens, (Good Charlotte and Simple Plan) because I also have a lot of movie soundtracks as well as classical music. I don't discriminate against cool shit, unless it's reggae, I honestly cannot fucking stand that shit. This might have to do with the fact that it's the only CD my bus had when we drove six hours to Montréal and the six hours back. I think every time I hear it I might be unknowingly conditioned to kill someone.
- I'm a huge fan of movies and television and pop culture in general. I kill at pub quizzes or any game having to do with entertainment. I worked at a movie theatre for six years, what do you think we did when the films were playing? Actual work? Please, we were watching trailers and talking about episodes of Chuck. I'm full of useless facts. I play so many sporcle games that I could probably tell you more things I learned playing hundred of different useless games than I learned in college. Don't tell my mom that.
- I used to write a lot in high school. It was pretty much the only thing that got me by during my first couple years there. It was rough and I wasn't making it any easier for myself. I didn't write much in college, or at all. And then what I wrote about began to shift. In high school it was a lot of stories or short moments between two people, unrequited love was usually part of the mix. As time has passed I've moved on to personal essays and things occurring in my life. That is not to say I have not attempted to return to writing stories or snippets about made up people from my head, but it just hasn't caught my interest lately. And I know that this is like, national write a novel month or something, and I looked up some prompts to get me started, but I just couldn't find any that would work. Or I started them, but it just turned into me writing and deleting the first sentence over and over again.
- I'm a huge fan of mailing people things. Or I am a huge fan of the idea of it. I myself am far too lazy unless I know I absolutely need to send someone something, such as a mandatory birthday present to my former college roommate, or groups of postcards I had promised to people while I was away in Italy. I actually spent 50 something euros on stamps, so I hope those fuckers were grateful.
- When I was a kid I used to sleep on my arm with my pillows on top of my head. This was not because I was scared something was going to eat me, I'm just really fucking weird. Now I sleep with two pillows and and another two for both sides of me so that I am boxed in. I sleep in the middle of the bed if I am alone and I sleep on the right side if I am with someone, though this is subject to change if they want that side. I don't really care.
This clusterfuck of information is done for now. This is probably become a regular topic (random shit I know about myself (also maybe not so regular because I'm lazy as fuck)) And holy shit I wrote two things in one day. This reminds me of the live journal I kept throughout high school. Which I have been meaning to delete because I think the teenage angst might kill someone, but for now, I cannot bring myself to delete my 14 - 17 year old…self. I guess.
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